Linggo, Disyembre 20, 2015

Role Of Communication In Building A Positive Client-Attorney Relationship

Any attorney is bound to follow his work ethics and needs to ensure proper communication with his clients at any mentioned time. There are rules that mention clearly that it is the duty of an attorney to keep the client in loop and keep him informed of all the decisions which requires his approval. It clearly indicates that the lawyer is to discuss in detail about the steps he would be taking to achieve the desired result. It also requires that the lawyer keep the client informed about the status of the case at every point. The lawyer also needs to answer any questions that the client may have with regards to the case and also explain everything clearly so as to enable the client think and make informed decisions.

In most cases when a criminal attorney is needed it means that the matter is serious and the client's future may be at stake. The result of the crime may be incarceration, employment loss, loss of important privileges like the right to bear arms or right to vote and even sometimes stigmatization. The thought of the consequences may leave the client with a lot of stress. It is the job of the criminal lawyer to help relieve a bit of this stress by providing alternatives and making them confident.

Only when the lawyer listens and completely understands his client will he be able to represent the client effectively. Looking into the case with the client's perspective is vital. Once the lawyer hears his client's side he will then have to look into all the reports filed by the police and try to decipher everything through the client's account. The lawyer needs to clearly explain every bit of the case and ensure the client's understanding so that he can identify if it is necessary to plead guilty or to take the case to trial.

Many a times, defendants are not satisfied with their attorney because of the fact that they have not been adequately informed of the good and bad facts. This may lead them to be forced into submitting a guilty plea without understanding why they have to do it. It is important that the attorney explains to his client why it is best to plead guilty. The most important thing is that ultimately the client is happy with the choices given to him.

Though it is the criminal attorney in San Pedro who makes plans to work strategically, it is vital that the client understands that he is the one who requires making huge decisions. The lawyers at Zolonz & Associates ensure you are happy with choices provided. Visit

Linggo, Disyembre 13, 2015

Look Out For These Qualities In Your Attorney To Help You Achieve The Most Desired Result

Whatever the type of crime committed an experienced attorney would be equipped to handle it with ease. They would have ample knowledge combined with the required background to defend and achieve success. Crimes may range from drugs, violence, DUI's, theft and juvenile cases. Seasoned experts would be able to defend your case with notable and skilled representation. If you are being charged with a crime you surely need the help of a criminal attorney in Pomona to rid you of the charges. Hiring the services of experienced attorneys ensures you are moving in the right direction. If you are contemplating using the services of a lawyer then make sure they have the following qualities.

A good attorney needs to have:

Proper legal connections especially in the system

Worked with cases similar in nature or at least have knowledge about such cases

Clients who have been happy with their representation

Experience with criminal cases

A lot of experience

Skills that will help in persuasion of the jury

Whether you are being penalized, given jail sentence or the charges dropped completely all of this depends on the brilliance of the attorney you choose. The result of the case fought, greatly depends on the brilliance, dedication and quality of the attorney. Your victory lies in selecting a person who has very good knowledge and has experience helping other clients get justice in a similar situation. It is vital to have an attorney at your side right from the start. This is why you need to call on your lawyer even before a case is actually charged.

It is important that you know about your right to remain silent in case you are arrested. You can stay quiet and should not be discussing anything or giving any details about the case to the officials. Make sure you talk to your attorney and discuss the details of the case with him before giving any details out. It is essential that you understand that being arrested does not mean that you are convicted. A trial is necessary to identify your role and only then a decision is made as to if you are a convict or not. This conviction can be prevented with the help of a competent attorney.

You are also able to schedule a meeting with your attorney and most services offer you a free consultation. This choice of yours decides if you will be convicted or if the charges and the case will e dropped.

Criminal Defense Attorney in L.A have skilled attorneys who would do a stellar job. Visit will ensure you walk off with a clean chit.

Martes, Nobyembre 24, 2015

The Role of A Criminal Defense Lawyer In Robbery Cases

Robbery is considered a serious offence and is treated as felony in the United States. Based on the location of the robbery and the equipment involved, this offence can be of three degrees. In normal situations a person is said to have committed a crime if he unlawfully and intentionally takes property or money from somebody and does so by assaulting, using violence, using threats or force. People who are being charged with the crime of robbery need to talk to a criminal defense lawyer immediately.

The types of robbery

The crime has five variations, out of which a pickpocket or sudden snatching is the least serious. This is charged when a person snatches the purse or property of another individual. A third degree felony is indicted when there is no weapon involvement. When found guilty a judge has all the power to convict the offender with any one or a combination of up to 5 years of probation, up to 5 years in jail or up to $5,000 as fine.

When the crime involves a deadly weapon or a firearm and when there is carjacking or break in of the home then they are first degree felonies that can leave the accused with minimum fine and /or sentence.

The outcome

Robbery committed with a weapon comes next to homicide in the list of most serious offences. With that said, it is not necessary that the accused use the weapon to be charged, the act of possessing the weapon during the robbery is reason enough. An additional charge is slapped if the weapon is a firearm. A minimum mandatory prison sentence is guaranteed if convicted.

You can be assured to be given a punishment that will require to serve prison time or/and fines irrespective of the degree of crime because robbery is considered serious. Also this will be recorded and will haunt you forever making it a struggle to even find employment. Some employers are forgiving and do hire ex-convicts, however they may not be as liberal with individuals who have committed such serious crimes in the past.

Getting legal help

It is vital that you start looking for a criminal lawyer as soon as you are accused because the state would start working on their defense immediately and therefore time is crucial. Law firms review the case and then assign teams that are qualified for various procedures such as reviewing evidence, interviewing witnesses and to follow procedures. This also requires time.

Building defenses

The fact is that nobody is perfect. People make mistakes and sometimes you can be wrongly accused too. An experienced attorney would be looking into inconsistencies of witnesses in their testimony. A person who knows what he is doing will be able to secure a charge that is lesser during the plea bargain. This is why it is vital to use the services of a reputed lawyer.

The criminal attorney in Hawthorne are reputed and will do everything to help you with the robbery charge. To be set free or at least to minimize the punishment. Contact us!

Martes, Nobyembre 17, 2015

You Need A Criminal Defense Attorney To Present Your Domestic Violence Charge

Arguments between intimate partners can get out of hand sometimes and it can lead to one of the partners accusing the other with domestic violence. When this is reported to authorities, it is charged as a domestic violence case. Domestic violence can be stalking, battery, assault, rape, kidnapping or false imprisonment. If you have any of these charges slapped then you need a criminal defense attorney immediately.

Domestic violence cases can be charged by husbands, wives, girlfriends or boyfriends. If found guilty there are probabilities that the accused can serve time in jail, especially if there are injuries involved. The outcome varies based on situations. Even if the defendant pleads guilty or if a verdict is given, it will be recorded. Sometimes the defendant will be sentenced to counselling based on the case facts.

Most of the time charges on partners are filed due to temper flares and may not be true. This act may in fact ruin the life of the partner. However, these kinds of cases are based on reports and the state decides on if the case is to be proceeded.

Irrespective of if the case was the result of a loose temper or a crime that is justifiable, it would do you a world of good if you decide to talk to and hire an attorney with experience. It is even more important to do this if you have had any previous cases or if the victim has any injuries. This is a sure shot of prison time for you. There is only one way out which is to seek the help of an experienced and reputable defense attorney who would work closely and build a promising defense.

If the charges are found false, then your lawyer can confidently say that your partner was unnecessarily throwing charges at you and that the charge is baseless. Even in such situations the opposing team may argue giving legitimate conditions such as child custody, mental issues, drugs or alcohol abuse as the factors leading to the charges. If you would want to remain clean then it is necessary to hire an attorney.

As a last resort, if everything is against you, the attorney will at least be able to negotiate a plea bargain. When there is some sort of criminal background or the defendant faces jail time the attorney usually attempts a bargain. These are solid reasons to consider hiring a criminal attorney in Agoura.

Regardless of whether you are guilt of not, an experienced Zolonz & Associates would be helpful in protecting your legal rights. Hire us to remain calm and tension free.

Martes, Nobyembre 10, 2015

The Different Defenses You Can Choose To Present

On being accused of criminal charges, you would be taken to court and allowed to present your defenses if you choose to. The State needs to prove beyond doubt that you are indeed guilty in order to get a conviction. You have a number of defenses you can choose depending on your situation. You can say that you did not do it or you can say that you did commit the crime but was justified. The various types of defenses are,

Until proven guilty you are considered innocent

In this situation the defendant does not have to take the trouble to prove that they are innocent, instead it is the job of the prosecution to convince the jury of your guilt. The jury is warned in advance and asked not to take the silence of the defendant as a weakness. The defendant can stay silent till the prosecution completes their argument and then say that the prosecution failed in proving the case. However in reality, witnesses are presented by the defense attorneys that counteract the state's case.

The State's Burden Of Proof

It is the responsibility of the prosecution to prove that the defendant is guilty. They have to be producing proof to substantiate the charges. This is why the defendant can remain silent and choose to not present any witnesses.

Deny ownership

The most common defense is that the person denies that the crime was his fault. They may say that there was a crime but insists that they did not have a role to play. This happens in situations where there is no visual proof of the incident.

The Alibi

This can be done if the defendant is able to prove that he was present elsewhere when the crime was being committed. This type of defense requires a person to say that he was along with the defendant in a different place when the crime was being committed. This does not mean that the jury has to believe the alibi.

Legally justified crime

This defense can be used when you agree that you have committed the crime but are justified legally. Examples include self-defense, which means you were only trying to defend yourself from being harmed.

The best way to come up with a defense is to hire a criminal attorney in El Segundo who would be able to let you know the perfect option of defense. Defense attorneys will be in the perfect spot to analyze and explain your legal defenses.

Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys are experienced and perfectly understand the situation. Visit would help you build a perfect defense. 

Martes, Nobyembre 3, 2015

Tips To Follow When Charged With A Criminal Case

When charged with an offense which is criminal in nature, you need to be vigilant and follow certain precautions to avoid getting into further trouble. Here are a few do's and don'ts.

Legal authorities have the right to stop and pull you over if they feel that everything is not right. You need to be cooperative and polite when answering their questions. After all you need to realize that they are only doing their duty. Never be disrespectful and ensure you only provide basic information when asked. You can tell them your name, address and phone number but nothing more is required at this stage.

It is ideal to keep silent if your attorney is not present, especially to legal authorities. You can choose to remain silent and be respectful when declining to answer. You can tell them that you would like to keep silent till the time you have spoken to your lawyer. This is because you risk blaspheming even though you may feel that you are using statements to help you. These exacts words can be played with and used against you in court.

You have all the rights to question your attorney as to get more information about their background. Before you hire a lawyer you need to ensure that they would be able to help you surely. You can question them on their experience, qualification and everything else that helps you confidently hire their services.

Time is crucial and it is vital that you hire a criminal attorney as soon as possible. This will ensure your defense is worked upon and built at the earliest.

Be transparent to and talk freely to your attorney. Give him all the information so that he would be able to help you in the best possible manner. If you hold back information the only person being affected is you. Holding back information will only weaken your defenses.

Make sure that your attorney knows your whereabouts. Give him all your contact details so that he would be able to contact you at any time.

Never resort to posting your case related information on social websites. This can and will be used against you in court.

Ensure that your attorney has every bit of documentation that you possess with regards to the case. This will help when you least expect.

Never resort to discussing legal things over the telephone. Refrain from talking about the case to other jail inmates if you have been arrested.

These are some tips that will help you with a criminal case visit

A good criminal attorney in San Pedro would be able to guide you in better ways to help you sail through peacefully. Criminal Defense Attorney in L.A has capable lawyers who would be perfect in helping you out.

Martes, Oktubre 13, 2015

Criminal Attorneys Do All They Can To Fight For Your Rights And Defend You

You are in urgent need of a criminal attorney if by any chance you happen to be facing criminal charges. The outcome of your case depends on the experience and expertise of the attorney regardless of if the charges are serious or not. The lawyer uses all his knowledge to defend your case and to ensure the protection of your rights during the legal proceedings. A free consultation can be scheduled so that you can meet and discuss the case with the professional who would do everything to help you receive the best result.

It is wise to be getting in touch with a criminal attorney as soon as you get to know of the accusation. Regardless of the seriousness of the crime committed, a good lawyer would be able to evaluate your case and come up with a defense to protect your rights which could otherwise have had lifelong consequences. A lawyer is considered experienced when he has worked with people being accused of anything involving drugs, violence, alcohol or even white-collar.

The traits of a good criminal attorney involve his vast knowledge, experience and intelligence. He would be able to help you by performing all or some of the following.

Will be able to get accurate information and expose exaggerations by interviewing parties involved. This may be witness, affected people or even the police themselves.

Will help in lowering the charges against you.

Will conduct an investigation before the trial begins

Will confirm the authenticity of the evidence produced against you

Will fetch expert witnesses for you

Will negotiate with the prosecutor to lower your fines or penalties

You need to be positive about the way the lawyer approaches the case. Hiring an attorney lets you expect that the charges against you will be completely rubbished or it may be reduced. The lawyer does everything possible to either clear your name off the case or at least reduce the outcome of the penalty.

Any person involved in a criminal issue will surely have a lot of doubts and queries involving the procedure. Questions range from what needs to be done if the police stop you on the street to what circumstances will lead to the judge waiving bail. All these doubts can easily be cleared on visiting a professional who would willingly help with your issues.Get an experienced criminal attorney to defend you and you will surely reap the benefits.

A criminal attorney in Ventura would be the best help you would find when facing criminal charges. You can easily consult the most reputed lawyers at

Martes, Oktubre 6, 2015

Call A Criminal Lawyer When You Sense The Danger Of Being Arrested

A criminal attorney has to be the first person you contact when you are being arrested or even before when you sense the danger of being arrested. Many people try to talk their way out instead of consulting their attorney first. It is the right of a citizen to be allowed to call their attorney in situations like these. However, it is also a right that is ignored the most. The case filed against you can be minimized by an experienced attorney. After all it is the lawyer's duty to safeguard the legal rights of his client. The attorney will clearly explain the contents of the charge against you which will help build defense in cases where you are taken to court. The lawyer remains by your side always when the police are questioning you so that they can protect you against any self-incrimination which is your Fifth Amendment right. He also makes sure that your constitutional rights are considered and adhered to.

Building your defense in situations where the case goes to trial and acting as a negotiator, the criminal attorney will make sure that any bargains for plea will be on your behalf. Plea bargaining is the result of most of the cases and the presence of a criminal attorney ensures you would be given the best deal there is in exchange for avoiding trial.

The most ideal situation to have a criminal attorney is surely when you actually don't need one. In situations where you require the services of a lawyer, it will save you a lot of trouble by selecting somebody who owns the following qualities.

  • The lawyer needs to be affordable
  • Needs to be experienced
  • Needs the required qualification

When taking about fees, having a criminal charge against you is not something you can take lightly and so bargaining about the fees is not something you can afford at this point. Having said that, it is vital that you look for somebody who is nominal because there is no guarantee that an attorney who charges an exorbitant amount as fees, will always be the best. Your prime motive should be looking for an attorney who is efficient yet not ridiculously expensive.

You can start looking for a good attorney online. This will help you narrow down on someone with reviews. You would easily find a lot of criminal lawyers online like and by searching for information about them; you will be able to read about their success stories as well. This will give you a picture about their reputation and experience. Many firms provide free consultations so once you select the person the next step would be to call and fix an appointment. During the call you can also ask the firm about the lawyer's experience, their ability to be able to go to court if necessary and also about the fees.

It is vital that you choose a criminal attorney in Hollywood you are absolutely comfortable with. It isn't a difficult task finding a lawyer when you look in the right place such as Zolonz & Associates.

Lunes, Setyembre 28, 2015

What to Do If You Are Falsely Accused

Being accused for a crime you did not commit is a frustrating experience. We do not normally expect to be held responsible for something we did not do, but sometimes even innocent people are dragged into court and even sentenced! It is important to know what to do in case you are caught in such a situation. 

Stay calm. It is likely to suffer a shock when you first hear the accusation. If you are innocent, there is no reason to panic. A clear mind always works better. Keep positive and start looking for a professional attorney. Compare prices online and try to find the best lawyer for your case. 

If you are accused, mobilize all your forces because a hard struggle may be waiting you. You shouldn't treat the whole deal too lightly. It is foolish to think that innocent people can't go to jail. Your best move should be to hire a lawyer. A wrongful accusation is a serious legal matter and a lawyer can turn things in your advantage. 

Choose a professional lawyer to handle your defense. Being represented by a professional attorney will make things easier. Legal matters can be complicated and you need someone to handle all the paper and formalities. A lawyer will also investigate your case and find proof of your innocence. 

Remember though, that it is YOUR case after all! Even if you have a lawyer, you shouldn't just stay aside and watch. If you want to understand what is happening around you, it is essential to stay informed. Find out what the consequences of a false accusation are and what the best method of fighting back is. There are many websites like that provide reliable information on legal matters! Take the time and read them as the new knowledge will surely come in handy! 

Another way you can help strengthen your defense is by gathering as many information about your case as you can. Note down every rumor, every date and every conversation you have. Try to find the source of these allegations. By keeping detailed reports and providing relevant information to your lawyer, you will have a better chance of finding justice! 

In conclusion, being wrongfully accused of something is not a pleasant experience. Even if you know you are innocent, remember that you will need to prove your innocence in front of a court! With the help of a good lawyer, you have high chances of winning your case!

Our firm has the best Los Angeles criminal attorneys! If you have been accused of a crime, visit Criminal Defense Attorney in LA and we will put you in contact with a professional lawyer right away!

Linggo, Setyembre 20, 2015

How Can a Criminal Record Affect Your Job Application?

Having a criminal record will make finding a job more difficult. Although you have paid your dues to society, many employers may refuse to hire you for your past deeds. Although you may think this is not fair, it is the employer's right to refuse giving you a job.

What can they find out?

Some private employers do not have to do a background check, however, many of them do. If they find out about a past conviction, they will be more reluctantly to hire you. It also depends on the crime that you have committed. For example, it will be highly unlikely to be hired in a bank if you have been convicted for theft.

Many state laws regulate to what extent employers can access information about your past. For example, some state laws do not allow employers to search in criminal record if an amount of years have passed. If you have been arrested in the past, but you were proven innocent and the charges were dropped the information will be erased from your criminal record. It is illegal for an employer to access and use that information against you!

What jobs are not available?

Having a criminal record does not exclude you from any job. Your skills and experience in the field can convince many employers to hire you. Sadly, you will not be able to have certain jobs. For example, some state laws forbid people with a criminal record to work with children and in security. You will not be able to work in an airport, as a nurse or even a bus driver.

How to increase your chances of getting hired?

First, remember that you have paid your dues to society. By getting a job, you prove that you are willing to be a productive member again. Here are a few tips to help you find and get a good job:
  • Your appearance will have a great influence on the employer's opinion of you! A favorable first impression will increase your chances of getting hired. Make sure you dress tidy and nice!
  • Be honest!Do not hide your past charges from your employer. Instead, explain your situation and reassure him or her that you have changed and just need a second chance!
  • Provide relevant references that attest your skills and qualities!
In conclusion, it will be harder to get hired if you have a criminal record, but you still have good chances of finding a job. For further information visit, make sure to check your state laws!

If you have been accused or arrested and need legal help, our law firm can help you! Our criminal defense attorneys are ready to help you with any legal matter! Visit the provided links and we will answer all of your questions!

Huwebes, Setyembre 10, 2015

The Advantages of Being a Lawyer

Lawyers are one of the most respected professionals in the country. There are many advantages that come with the job! If you are thinking of following a legal career, here is a list of highlights that will make you consider the lawyer profession.
  1. Money. According to the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a lawyer is around $100,000. However, many lawyers earn a lot more. The pay depends on your experience, talent and where you work. Even when you are at the start of your career, you can expect high pay, for a fresh graduate.
  2. You will not get bored. If you want an active job, with a lot of travel opportunities become an attorney! You will have a high level of mobility and you have may work opportunities. Lawyers investigate different cases and you will experience something new with every task.
  3. Prestige and work satisfaction.A law career is still considered a landmark of success. High pay, influence and knowledge will make you one of the elites and earn you respect and recognition. Even today, attorneys are held in high esteem and their glamorous image is still promoted by the media!
  4. You will help others. You have probably heard a lot of jokes about lawyers and their egocentric interests. However, the real situation is completely different! Many law firms offer pro bono services. This means that people can get help with legal matters for free! You too will have the possibility of helping people find justice. For example, many innocent people where saved from jail sentences and even death penalties by their lawyers!
  5. You will know the law. The laws apply to many levels of our society. Knowing the law comes in handy for many things like: purchasing property, a car, conducting business and even doing your taxes. It will also be easier to make important connections because many people will ask for your advice on legal and business issues.
  6. You can start your own business. After you gather enough experience and funds, you will be able to run your own business! You will be your own boss and you will work only in your interest. Being an attorney is perhaps the easiest way to become self-employed! Also, your legal knowledge will help you deal with any formalities and papers!
To close, a law career offers many opportunities and advantages visit You will have money, prestige and independence; so give it a thought!

Our criminal law attorneys are ready to help you with any legal problem! Click the provided links for more information!

Huwebes, Setyembre 3, 2015

Reasons To Choose A DUI Attorney Who Is Both Experienced And Qualified

Driving under influence or DUI is not just a minor offence involving traffic but is definitely more than serious. However, people usually consider DUI as a petty offence and do not realize its implication. Being charged with driving under the influence has a lot more consequences in reality and goes beyond just serving the penalty received. It can haunt you for quite a long time. In situations when you are charged with DUI, it is vital that you seek the services of an experienced and well qualified DUI attorney.

You can be stripped off your license, suspended or even end up with a revoked license in times when you are charged with DUI. This could lead to a lot of other issues with your insurance company where they could raise your premiums or even worse when they refuse insurance completely. You could be under threat if you are a driver by profession. By seeking a qualified DUI attorney you end up with minimum damage if found guilty and thereby saving your livelihood.

Your penalties depend on if you have had DUI charges slapped on you in the past. If you have been charged earlier then you can be assured of facing harsher penalties, however if it's a first, then there are chances of just brushing through with a fine. The higher the number of times you are charged with DUI the harsher your fines or you may even end up behind bars. There are other considerations made when you are being charged; even if it is your first time, your penalty would be severe if there is a minor in your vehicle, if you have an alcohol content of beyond 0.08% in your blood or if any serious injury resulted. You could be charged with felony in cases where death has resulted due to driving under influence. This leads to being imprisoned if you are found guilty.

An experienced attorney would be able to build a reasonable defense that would help in lowering your penalty or even may be able to prove you are not guilty. The DUI attorney will ensure the complete coverage of your case which includes any legal paperwork and provides you with proper support and guidance throughout. You would need to be legally very sound in case you decide to handle your DUI charges yourself. This could lead to a lot of stress and frustration because all the information is a lot complex and you would need to have a lot of knowledge and capability to handle the case. Hiring a DUI attorney who is qualified to handle such issues would be the perfect solution in this situation.

You would find that any lawyer will be willing to take up DUI cases; however an attorney who specializes solely on DUI will definitely be a better choice because they would have a lot of experience with regards to the case. Special care needs to be taken to ensure that the chosen DUI attorney Los Angeles works in the place or city of offence where your case would be heard. The lawyer needs to be well aware of all the laws pertaining to the particular state.

You can ask friends for suggestions or you may look up the internet to find out information on DUI attorney. You can also directly approach for the best attorneys in town.

Linggo, Agosto 23, 2015

Criminal Defense - What You Should Know?

The process of finding the right criminal defense attorney is quite taxing and it is important that you follow some guidelines when it comes to picking the right lawyer. In order to find the best one for your particular case, it is important that you need to understand the process. A criminal attorney would be managing affairs surrounding criminal investigation, arrest, criminal charges, appeals, sentencing and post trail matters. As the choice of an attorney would have direct impact on your case, it is necessary that you pay attention to details before finalizing as to who will be taking over the case.

The role played by a criminal defense attorney in a particular case is absolutely important and the person is responsible for identifying the important issues with regard to your case. An attorney has got the authority to issue motion and perform crucial functions that may also get your case dismissed without any hassles.

State or federal

First of all, you will have to understand if you will need state or federal attorney for handling your case. This will be decided based on the fact whether you are charged for breaking state law or federal law. You will be booked under federal law in specific circumstances. Matters where the United States of America is a party to the case, violation of constitution and other such areas are handled by the federal court. 
If you are looking to fight your case in federal court then it is important that you look out for an attorney who has got good track record when it comes to handling similar cases. In case of subject matters under the purview of state court, you will have to choose over a reputed, state registered and licensed attorney who is eligible to practice in the region.


There are certain legal organizations with which an attorney may associate himself. It is important to check if the attorney is a member of County and State Bar Associations as this would indicate the interest and passion of the person involved. It is definitely an added advantage if the attorney is a member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) or the ABA's Criminal Justice Section.


It is also necessary to look out for specialization aspect when it comes to criminal defense attorney visit Attorneys specializing in a particular area of criminal defense would have better understanding over the process and procedures associated with it.

Looking for the best criminal defense lawyer Los Angeles, click the provided links.

Martes, Agosto 11, 2015

What Is Juvenile Delinquency?

Juvenile delinquency can be considered any crime committed by a person who is younger than the legal age. Statistics point to an increase in juvenile delinquency and it is believed that between 60-80% of teenagers have committed a crime at least once. 

What causes it? 

If we hope to understand what juvenile delinquency is, we have to ask ourselves: why do children and teens engage in illegal acts? There are many reasons that vary from mental disorder to serious social problems like poverty. Teenagers are the leading group age in juvenile delinquency. Although the majority of illegal acts are minor, some teenagers are well involved in drug traffic and gangs! As I have said, poverty plays an important role in the spread of juvenile delinquency, but parents' negligence and poor education can also lead teenagers to commit crimes.

What happens if a child is accused of a crime? 

The court system that handles juvenile cases is separate from the one that trials adults. When summoned to court, the child's guardian must also be present. In some states the parents can be held responsible for the child's action. If your child commits a crime, depending on the state you live in, you may have to pay a fine, restitution money for the victim, court expenses etc. 

If the offense is very serious, the child or teenager can be tried as an adult. Most states do not have a minimum age requirement, while others specify that a child must be 14 before tried as an adult. If the court decides to take such drastic actions, the fate of the accused will be determined by an adult law-court. In this case, the young offender, if found guilty, suffers the full penalty of the law. It is estimated that 250.000 minors are tried as adults every year.

Children who are condemned by a juvenile court may face different sentences. Some will have to be enrolled in reeducation programs and some can be condemned to time in juvenile homes. 

In most of the cases, juvenile criminal records are confidential and are deleted when the child reaches the legal age. 

Final words 

If you are the parent of a troublesome child, you have to take immediate action! Give your child the attention he or she needs and try to get help from professionals. There are many resources that can help parents correct their children's bad behavior!

If your child is accused of a crime, it is essential to get an attorney! Our law firm has the best criminal defense attorneys! For more information visit!

Martes, Hulyo 21, 2015

Can Children Divorce Their Parents?

Becoming an emancipated teenager is a legal process available in most states. Divorcing from your parents is not an easy thing legally, financially or emotionally. Becoming a responsible adult means taking care of yourself and bearing the full responsibility of your actions. 

What does it mean?

When you are declared emancipated, you have almost the same status as an adult. This means that you can get married, enroll into a school, or enroll in the military without your parent's consent. You can also buy and sell property and you can have the right to vote. 

Under what conditions can you be emancipated? 

First, the state you live in must recognize child's emancipation. As it is normal, a court will not grant you any independence before you meet certain conditions. Some basic requirements are:
  • You need to be at least 14
  • You need to prove that you have the financial means to support yourself. 
  • You need to stay in school for several years, or at least until you are 16. 
  • You need to prove that you can spend your income responsibly (pay the bills, do the grocery etc)

It is very hard to prove to a court that you can be a responsible adult. You will need to have a job or a regular source of income and to prove that you can spend the money responsibly. 

You also need a good reason to divorce your parents. Abuse and neglect are one of the strongest reasons as the child is safer living by himself that with his or her abusive parents. You can divorce your parents on other grounds too: for example if your parents have stolen the money you have earned. 

How to become emancipated? 

When you have a job and a place to stay, you can separate from your parents by filling out a Petition for Emancipation which you can find at your local jurisdiction. You do not need a lawyer to become emancipated, but it helps if you have one! An attorney will bring considerable proof to help your case and the fact that you can afford to pay for a layer prove that you have the necessary financial means. 

It is a lot easier to become emancipated if your parents consent to your decision. Before taking matters to court, try to talk with your parents and legal guardian about your status in the family! There are also numerous alternatives which you can choose!

If you have been accused, you need legal help! We have some of the best criminal attorneys in Los Angeles who can help with your case! Visit for a free consultation!

Martes, Hulyo 14, 2015

Federal Court and State Courts - Things You Should Know

In the United States, there are two different kinds of courts function. One is the state court and another is the federal court. Both of these courts are known to come with certain differences and similarities. They come with different set of powers, jurisdictions and laws making it difficult for one to understand how they coexist and function. Here, you will get to know about some most important things about state courts and federal court,

State courts

State courts are established by the respective states that are looking to maintain the law and order within their purview and power limits. The laws and practices of state courts are considerably different from the federal courts. It needs to be understood that the laws and regulations varies between the states themselves. What is legal in California would be illegal in Texas and it is an altogether complicated area. There are local courts operating within the State and this includes courts in counties, municipalities and cities.

Federal court

The court is established by the constitution of the United States that was passed by the Congress in order to decide over issues that involves national interest. It decides over matters concerning the constitution and laws passed by the Congress. 

The differences in the function of the two courts depend based on the jurisdiction. The Federal court jurisdiction would include those cases which has the United States as one of the party, cases that involves violation of the federal law and laws set-forth by the constitution of the U.S. It will also deal with those cases between two citizens when the amount exceeds $75,000. Apart from these, it also deals with copyright, patent, bankruptcy and maritime cases.

The state courts on the other hand deals with everything that comes under state laws. It includes family dispute cases, robberies, felony, misdemeanor, traffic violations and much more. The state courts are not allowed to deal with those cases that involve the United States and certain other areas that are exclusive to federal court.

Scope and power

It needs to be understood that the state courts have wider jurisdiction when compared to federal court, which has limited scope. It can handle matters concerning many areas of law. There are also certain areas where both the courts have jurisdiction to decide and in such case, the parties have the right to choose the court they want to proceed with.

To know more about Los Angeles criminal defense lawyers, visit the provided links. For further details on this topic head over to

Lunes, Hulyo 6, 2015

Criminal Charges - The Initial Process Involved

If you or your loved one is facing any sort of criminal charges, then it is high time you get to know about criminal charges, how to file a criminal charge and other important aspects in detail. It is necessary that everyone posses the knowledge and understanding about the process of criminal case from the start.

What is a criminal charge?

A criminal charge is nothing but accusation made by authorities authorized by the government over those who have committed any sort of crime punishable under law. It is a form of written accusation posted against someone for doing an act or refraining from doing something put-forth by law. A criminal charge would be initiated if someone files a criminal case against a person. It could be the police or the victim of the specific problem.

When a person faces arrest

The police have the authority to arrest somebody if they have any sort of suspicion that the concerned person has committed a crime. A criminal offense could be major or minor and the police have the right to arrest them to carry on with further investigation. If the police finds substantial reason that the concerned person could have committed the crime after the investigation then the police would initiate further action. The next step to this would be to get warrant to initiate search and arrest.

Filing of charge

Not all arrests would end up with a charge being filed against the person. The prosecutor would review each and everything in detail and comes to a conclusion if a charge should be filed or not. In case, the chances are high that a charge would be filed against you after the arrest, it serves best to seek the help of a criminal defense attorney for professional support. The attorney would deal with any legal issues and would talk to the prosecutor before the filing of charges. A charge document comprises of several important legal documents which includes information, complaint, citation, traffic ticket and indictment.

Filing of a complaint

Anybody who thinks they are victims of a criminal offense can file a complaint with the police department in their respective jurisdiction. In case, the police refuse to accept a specific complaint, the victim can proceed to take it to the prosecutor's office. The prosecutor would then be taking a look at the complaint and would decide if a charge be filed or not. Once the charge is filed, the case is ready for the pretrial stage where it is decided if the case should go on trial.

If you are looking for the best criminal defense attorneys Los Angeles kindly click the provided links. For more details about criminal charges please visit

Huwebes, Hunyo 25, 2015

Driving Under the Influence - How to Respond to an Officer

If you are drinking and driving, you are endangering your life and other people's life as well. You can also get a large fine, lose your driver's license or go to prison. As the punishment is very severe, it is important to know how to handle such a situation. Knowing how to respond to an officer may not save you from a DUI conviction, but at least you will not make your situation worse.

Stop the car

It may be scary to see the police car right behind you with the sirens blaring and flashing. Being pulled over is not the end of the world. Under no circumstances don't try running away as it will result in a chase and other charges brought against you. When you see the police car, slow down, signal if you are changing lanes and pull on the right of the street.

Remain calm and smile

After you stop the car, wait for the police officer with your hand on the wheel. Do not search for your papers unless you are told to do so. Do not get out of the car unless you are asked to do so. An officer likes to watch your hands, so make sure you keep them where he or she can see them. You do not have to say anything if you are pulled over, but it is recommended to greet and smile. Remember to always address him or her with "officer". Do not be verbally aggressive and do not try to defend your case: that's your lawyer's job.

Less is more

Less is more, especially when talking to an officer. Do not try to make small talk as your voice and smell can give you away. Try not to admit to guilt. If the police officer asks you: "Do you know why I stopped you?" simply respond with a "no". After they tell you, smile and keep silent. Do not try to talk your way out of a ticket as it will not work. A ticket is sometimes better than going to court and risking losing your driver's license.

Being pulled over doesn't mean that you are arrested! Remain calm and cooperate as best you can with the officer. Do not talk too much and don't be aggressive. There are some lawyers that specialize in DUI cases. If you are accused of driving under the influence call a lawyer or visit and discuss your case!

Are you looking for some good Los Angeles DUI lawyers? Zolonz & Associates can help you with any case! Click the provided links and save your driver's license!

Lunes, Hunyo 8, 2015

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing an Affordable Criminal Lawyer

The criminal legal system can prove complex particularly for persons who do not possess the necessary legal background. In case you are charged with crime, you are likely to face many legal issues, which can prove confusing and overwhelming. Therefore, in case you are charged with crime, it is important to consider hiring a criminal lawyer to ensure your rights are protected. The factors to consider when choosing an affordable criminal lawyer in LA include the following:

· Hardworking and experienced lawyer

The lawyer should have a good record of accomplishment. To generate the best results, it is important to find an experienced lawyer who is in a position to handle your case. The lawyer should be a person who is determined and tenacious. He/she should be a person who can be trusted to work hard in getting the best results. Find a lawyer who performs his role in the courts; he/she should be a person who is respected and familiar with prosecutors and local judges with whom he/she will be negotiating or defending the sentence.

· Creative lawyer

Criminal defense is both an art and a science. Courts and prosecutors seek as much as possible to make sentences and charges consistent for all situations. However, as a result of the complex character of criminal matters, cases are not exactly the same. There are sentencing and defense alternatives that creative defense lawyers can devise. With enough persistence, the courts and prosecutors can accept these devices. In case the lawyer understands your needs he/she will be in a position to craft the perfect solution that has the capacity of reflecting your most important concerns.

· Personable

The lawyer plays an important role of representing their clients in the courtroom. Therefore, he/she should be a person who is passionate and personable. The lawyer should have both charisma and style. Furthermore, he/she should be able to relate with their clients on a human level. The lawyer should have the right personality to animate the case. The right attorney should also be aggressive. Every client needs a litigator who is forceful to help argue out the merits of the case.

· Committed to you

One of the most important factors to consider when evaluating a lawyer is to determine how loyal they feel towards the merits of the case. In case a lawyer is not committed, then they will not be zealous. You need to ask yourself why the lawyer is taking up the case. Find out whether he/she cares about you.

We provide the best info about affordable criminal attorney. For further details on this topic, visit our website!

Miyerkules, Mayo 6, 2015

7 Tips That Will Help You Choose an Ideal Criminal Lawyer to Rescue You From Legal Consequences

The fact that life is simply uncertain just cannot be denied. Who knows a time may come when you may have to face serious legal consequences. In such gloomy situations, you will have to look for a criminal defense lawyer who can be a life saver at the moment. You have to look for a lawyer who has good reputation, knowledge, and experience and can take care of your case, while rescuing you from the critical situation by tackling with judges, prosecutors, and courts.

The moment the party is released from the jail on the basis of cash bond or on signature, the first thing he must do is hire a defense attorney. The sooner you start working with a lawyer there are higher chances of getting the decision in your favor. Let's say you are under investigation and still you are deprived of any legal support. Then, you have to appeal strongly for legal counseling as it's your fundamental right.

Here are tips that will help you in choosing an ideal defense lawyer for your case.

1. Browse online for the expert criminal lawyers in your location like Los Angeles criminal attorney where you have been charged. For more specific output, you can search online on the basis of the nature of your case. Accordingly, you will find practitioners who have dealt with similar cases you are hooked on to.
2. You will find many popular criminal defense lawyer groups on the internet. Just check out the name of the criminal lawyer.
3. Verify the claimed area of expertise of the chosen lawyer. For this, you can refer to the local TV stations or journals.
4. Finally, you can call the lawyer or the firm he is associated with and check if they serve some initial consultation and confirm if they are ready to take up your case before the court.
5. You can also check for any treaties, books, or articles written by the lawyer as this shows his competency.
6. You can check the position of the lawyer in the lawyer's associations so as to properly calibrate his caliber. You can also check the feedbacks from criminal law commentators and legal experts.
7. In many cases, it has been seen that the lawyer is proposed by the state bars. Here, you need to be completely relaxed about the profile and competency of the referred lawyer. You can simply visit the state bar website and check his background.

The above points will help you in taking the right decision while hiring a potential lawyer during the period of emergency and help you to keep you and your family safe from the jeopardy of the gloomy phase.

You can click on to understand more about the roles and responsibility of a criminal attorney. The information here will help as a life saver whenever you need any legal service badly.

Biyernes, Marso 20, 2015

4 Reasons To Retain A Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you find yourself facing any type of criminal charges, your first thought should be hiring the best lawyer you can find. Many people have attempted to represent themselves but the results are often bad.

Whether you are guilty or innocent, you need to get someone with legal experience so that you can be sure of getting the best outcome. Following are some reasons why you need to hire a lawyer.

You need the help

You might think that you have no problem because all you need to do is tell the truth. The fact is that whether you realize it or not, you need the help. No one else will help you and even simple tasks such as filling out the right forms can turn out to be very confusing. It is very easy to make mistakes when you do not have a legal background. The mistakes can end up being very costly and can cause you to lose your freedom. You can avoid this by hiring a criminal defense lawyer.

Facing prosecutors

When you go to court, you will be facing seasoned prosecutors who do not have your best interest at heart. You need a lawyer on your side that can face up to the prosecutors without being intimidated. It is important to have a lawyer who can look at the evidence presented by the prosecutors and look for loopholes and inconsistencies. A skilled lawyer can save you from facing an unjust conviction by uncovering the truth.

Getting expert witnesses

Another reason to hire a lawyer is that you may need expert witnesses. These witnesses are often instrumental in most trials and they are often called upon to challenge evidence presented by the prosecutors. When you hire an experienced lawyer, you have someone who knows the best expert witnesses to use in your case.

Seeking alternatives

An attorney will know how to seek alternatives that will save you from jail. An experienced lawyer can work with the prosecution to make sure that you get lesser charges or can propose diversionary programs like treatment programs. This can be very useful and it has a huge impact on your future. A conviction can have a negative effect on your life and anything you can do to avoid it is very helpful.

A criminal conviction stays on your record forever and it can affect your relationships, job prospects and other areas of your life. Most common crimes have stiff penalties and they can result in jail time. You should do anything you can do to avoid this scenario and the best option is to hire a qualified and experienced lawyer.

We provide the best info about criminal defense lawyer Los Angeles. For further details on this topic, Click here!

Linggo, Marso 8, 2015

Criminal Attorney Duties and Responsibilities

A criminal attorney is a lawyer who specializes in the defense of companies or individuals charged with criminal activities or misconduct. They may operate on private basis or employed by various jurisdictions to represent indigent persons.

Duties and responsibilities

They have a duty to ensure that the accused receives justice and due law process in their defense. They are key participants in public morality, providing essential criminal trial characteristics. They are responsible for determining which activities are right or wrong and whether the accused qualifies for apprehension.

They also sometimes perform a number of unpopular functions, which entails ad vocation of positions, questioning of contemporary social values and challenging the establishment of power in the judicial system. They ensure that powers are fairly distributed in the judicial system and each party within the system understands his/her roles and responsibilities.

They participate in the formulation of rules and regulations that govern judicial system.

Essentially the main role of the criminal attorney is to safeguard civil liberties in modern democracy. They have a responsibility to ensure that democracy is put in practice and the rule of law is respected both in the judicial sector and to policy makers. They are viewed as disputable by establishment of law firms, anti-civil libertarian politicians.

They sometimes draft rules, which are self-serving, have limited public involvement, and therefore should be restricted in their line of duty. This is done through establishment of rules or by use of their seniors.

Criminal Law

It is a judicial body the related to crime. It regulates social misconduct and other criminal activities, which are likely to endanger the life of citizens.

Objectives of Criminal Law

Four main objectives widely acceptable for enforcement by the criminal body entail punishments. Punishments come in the following ways:
  • Incapacitation- it is mainly done to keep criminals away from law-abiding citizens. It entails use of prisons, death sentences and life imprisonments.
  • Restoration- This entails exposing the criminals to various teachings that are aim at transforming their minds towards being law-abiding citizens. They then can contribute towards nation building.
  • Deterrence- it aims at imposing a specific penalty to discourage the offender from participating in criminal activities. Through imposition of such penalties other individuals in the society fear and deviate from doing evil.
  • Retribution- this entails making criminal suffer due to their evil deeds. It may involve overworking them and exposing them to harsh challenges, which will make them regret and avoid crime once released from prison.
We provide the best info about criminal attorney in Los Angeles. For further details on this topic, Click here!

Biyernes, Pebrero 27, 2015

Must Know Facts Before Hiring a Qualified Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have been charged with a crime, or if you want to sue someone, then you will need to hire a trusted lawyer or a law form for proper legal advice. The criminal defense attorney firm you choose should be experienced, and they should have a good track record of helping their clients win cases in the court of law.

If you have never dealt with the criminal justice system in the past, you will find the procedures to be quite frustrating. However, a qualified criminal attorney will let you know about your rights, and guide you expertly through the various phases of the criminal process.

Essential information you need to know before hiring a lawyer:

Know why you require a defense attorney: Regardless of how minor charge you are facing, you will still need advice from the law experts. Not knowing the law is not an excuse that any courts will accept.

You usually have the option of hiring a lawyer, or you can deal with it yourself. Even if you prefer to go ahead without hiring a lawyer, a consultation with legal experts will help you to perceive the charges against you, and understand about the steps that you will need to take if you get convicted.

If you are convicted with a serious charge, it is advisable to hire a defense attorney. Otherwise, you are at a high risk of facing severe consequences and penalties. Your lawyer will make you understand about the available defenses, and what plea bargains might be provided.

Know what exactly they do: Criminal lawyers specialize in criminal law, and they usually defend people with misdemeanor or felony charges filed against them. Before hiring one, you need to consider the professional's expertise, knowledge and skills. They would assist in reducing the charges to reduce imprisonment time and severity of the judgment. They may even get your case dismissed.

If you are convicted for breaking a federal law, it is recommended to hire experienced defense attorney. This is because cases related to federal law require more credentials than what the state attorneys do.

Hiring criminal defense attorney: Many criminal attorneys handle not only routine criminal cases, but also a few focus on particular areas of defense. Get a lawyer who concentrates on the area of defense you require his or her assistance, and is ready to allot adequate time to familiarize with the case.

What qualities should you lawyer have? You need to look for excellent communication skills, experience, good negotiating skills and an appreciable track record of the attorney. Find out more about the law firm by contacting their previous clients.

Other things you need to consider: Check with the law firm beforehand whether your case will be handled as a team or a specific person will be allotted to assist you. Also, find out how much you will be charged for their services, and what is the mode of payment that they accept.

Zolonz & Associates is rated among the most trusted law firms, and we offer the services of experienced affordable criminal attorney in LA. Please visit our website, for any kind of free legal consultations.

Linggo, Pebrero 1, 2015

Reasons for Hiring a Lemon Law Attorney

Lemon laws seek to protect consumers against defective goods. Therefore, if you purchase a new or second-hand product such as a car that fails to function the way it should, then someone owes you some compensation for the repairs. If the item fails to work even after several repairs, the law requires the manufacturer or the retailer to buy back the defective product. If the manufacturer/retailer fails, the services of a lemon law attorney may be necessary. The reasons for hiring an attorney include:

· Experience

Some people may never have to deal with a lemon product. However, if you discover you have a defective product, avoid the DIY approach because it may not work in your favor. It is important to hire a lawyer who handles, on a regular basis, such claims. The right attorney understands the bigger picture and the nuances of the lemon law, which can trap first-timers. The attorney will ensure an error-free outcome while minimizing your liability.

· Withstand the opposition

Many of the business owners, and particularly car manufacturers, have experienced lawyers hired to oppose lemon law claims. These lawyers know the legal loopholes. In addition, they have many strategies and tactics employed to keep consumers from getting the compensation they deserve. It is often difficult for consumers to win the battle against these corporate lawyers. Therefore, it is important to hire the services of a lemon law lawyer because they possess the necessary knowledge. They know the tricks and have the necessary experience to ensure a favorable outcome.

· Exploit different options

Different states define a lemon differently and provide different laws. Usually a product needs to meet a certain criteria before it is considered a lemon. Therefore, if a product does not meet these standards you cannot receive compensation under the lemon law. Such a lawyer has handled many such cases before and is in a better position to negotiate for a fair settlement with the company even when a product cannot be considered strictly a lemon. Furthermore, the lawyer is well informed about other laws that could be applied to the case to get the deserved compensation.

· Encourage cooperation

The lawyer will make the company to pay attention. Many companies, especially car manufacturers and dealers view lemon claims as nuisances that seek to distract their efforts of selling more products. When you hire the services of a lemon law lawyer this is a strong indication that you are serious about obtaining the deserved compensation. The company understands the lawyer will not back down until the client gets a desirable settlement.

We provide the best info about lemon law attorney California. For further details on this topic, Click here!

Linggo, Enero 11, 2015

Tips to Hire the Best Criminal Attorney for Your Needs

Getting embroiled in a criminal case with criminal charges against one, can be a nerve-racking situation. Not only you, but your loved ones too will be affected. The only way to address and fight any kind of criminal charge is to have an able and knowledgable criminal attorney by your side. Making this decision in a situation wherein you may not be thinking straight and nor will those close to you, some of the following tips will ease the decision-making process helping you to make a sound, rational choice.

Having a good, effective, trustworthy and experienced criminal defense attorney by your side can mean the difference between your freedom and proven guilty and charged severely. There are times, when some accused have made the wrong choice in hurry or a fit of emotion, leading to grave consequences when a trial begins.

The following tips will help you select the best one for your needs.

1- Check the level of experience, knowledge and skill-You need to have a firm or an attorney that has the proven experience, expertise as well as the key skill sets across a wide range of crimes being defended. Success rates need to be high as well as ease of access if important. One needs to work with a team of talented, innovative and aggressive lawyers who walk the talk always.

2-Local base- If you are incriminated in say in your home base, you need to hire reliable criminal attorney from around your local area itself. Having a firm which is locally based, will be an advantage, as they understand the local State laws, are familiar with the Courts and investigating processes too. Having a team to represent you from where you have been charged, should be a priority. The attorney would also have a thorough understanding of the local structures and know the loopholes to prepare for an aggressive and effective defense strategy.

3-Wide variety of experience- You must choose criminal defense attorney who successfully has worked across a multitude of cases like misdemeanor, felony, federal and juvenile cases. It is also important they have proven expertise of working with the state and federal prosecutors across the state of California.

4-Reliable- Leaving your future course of life and your reputation as well as freedom in the hands of a criminal attorney entails working with someone whom you can trust and depend on. It is important to have an attorney on whom you can rely on and trust to do whatever it takes to protect you and defend you in the correct manner.

The above tips are sure to help you in making a sound and wise decision to help your cause.

One of the most important things that could be a factor between your freedom and possible sentencing is a good and reliable criminal defense attorney. If you are looking for a criminal attorney in North Hollywood then you can find one by visiting