Linggo, Setyembre 20, 2015

How Can a Criminal Record Affect Your Job Application?

Having a criminal record will make finding a job more difficult. Although you have paid your dues to society, many employers may refuse to hire you for your past deeds. Although you may think this is not fair, it is the employer's right to refuse giving you a job.

What can they find out?

Some private employers do not have to do a background check, however, many of them do. If they find out about a past conviction, they will be more reluctantly to hire you. It also depends on the crime that you have committed. For example, it will be highly unlikely to be hired in a bank if you have been convicted for theft.

Many state laws regulate to what extent employers can access information about your past. For example, some state laws do not allow employers to search in criminal record if an amount of years have passed. If you have been arrested in the past, but you were proven innocent and the charges were dropped the information will be erased from your criminal record. It is illegal for an employer to access and use that information against you!

What jobs are not available?

Having a criminal record does not exclude you from any job. Your skills and experience in the field can convince many employers to hire you. Sadly, you will not be able to have certain jobs. For example, some state laws forbid people with a criminal record to work with children and in security. You will not be able to work in an airport, as a nurse or even a bus driver.

How to increase your chances of getting hired?

First, remember that you have paid your dues to society. By getting a job, you prove that you are willing to be a productive member again. Here are a few tips to help you find and get a good job:
  • Your appearance will have a great influence on the employer's opinion of you! A favorable first impression will increase your chances of getting hired. Make sure you dress tidy and nice!
  • Be honest!Do not hide your past charges from your employer. Instead, explain your situation and reassure him or her that you have changed and just need a second chance!
  • Provide relevant references that attest your skills and qualities!
In conclusion, it will be harder to get hired if you have a criminal record, but you still have good chances of finding a job. For further information visit, make sure to check your state laws!

If you have been accused or arrested and need legal help, our law firm can help you! Our criminal defense attorneys are ready to help you with any legal matter! Visit the provided links and we will answer all of your questions!

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