Lunes, Setyembre 28, 2015

What to Do If You Are Falsely Accused

Being accused for a crime you did not commit is a frustrating experience. We do not normally expect to be held responsible for something we did not do, but sometimes even innocent people are dragged into court and even sentenced! It is important to know what to do in case you are caught in such a situation. 

Stay calm. It is likely to suffer a shock when you first hear the accusation. If you are innocent, there is no reason to panic. A clear mind always works better. Keep positive and start looking for a professional attorney. Compare prices online and try to find the best lawyer for your case. 

If you are accused, mobilize all your forces because a hard struggle may be waiting you. You shouldn't treat the whole deal too lightly. It is foolish to think that innocent people can't go to jail. Your best move should be to hire a lawyer. A wrongful accusation is a serious legal matter and a lawyer can turn things in your advantage. 

Choose a professional lawyer to handle your defense. Being represented by a professional attorney will make things easier. Legal matters can be complicated and you need someone to handle all the paper and formalities. A lawyer will also investigate your case and find proof of your innocence. 

Remember though, that it is YOUR case after all! Even if you have a lawyer, you shouldn't just stay aside and watch. If you want to understand what is happening around you, it is essential to stay informed. Find out what the consequences of a false accusation are and what the best method of fighting back is. There are many websites like that provide reliable information on legal matters! Take the time and read them as the new knowledge will surely come in handy! 

Another way you can help strengthen your defense is by gathering as many information about your case as you can. Note down every rumor, every date and every conversation you have. Try to find the source of these allegations. By keeping detailed reports and providing relevant information to your lawyer, you will have a better chance of finding justice! 

In conclusion, being wrongfully accused of something is not a pleasant experience. Even if you know you are innocent, remember that you will need to prove your innocence in front of a court! With the help of a good lawyer, you have high chances of winning your case!

Our firm has the best Los Angeles criminal attorneys! If you have been accused of a crime, visit Criminal Defense Attorney in LA and we will put you in contact with a professional lawyer right away!

Linggo, Setyembre 20, 2015

How Can a Criminal Record Affect Your Job Application?

Having a criminal record will make finding a job more difficult. Although you have paid your dues to society, many employers may refuse to hire you for your past deeds. Although you may think this is not fair, it is the employer's right to refuse giving you a job.

What can they find out?

Some private employers do not have to do a background check, however, many of them do. If they find out about a past conviction, they will be more reluctantly to hire you. It also depends on the crime that you have committed. For example, it will be highly unlikely to be hired in a bank if you have been convicted for theft.

Many state laws regulate to what extent employers can access information about your past. For example, some state laws do not allow employers to search in criminal record if an amount of years have passed. If you have been arrested in the past, but you were proven innocent and the charges were dropped the information will be erased from your criminal record. It is illegal for an employer to access and use that information against you!

What jobs are not available?

Having a criminal record does not exclude you from any job. Your skills and experience in the field can convince many employers to hire you. Sadly, you will not be able to have certain jobs. For example, some state laws forbid people with a criminal record to work with children and in security. You will not be able to work in an airport, as a nurse or even a bus driver.

How to increase your chances of getting hired?

First, remember that you have paid your dues to society. By getting a job, you prove that you are willing to be a productive member again. Here are a few tips to help you find and get a good job:
  • Your appearance will have a great influence on the employer's opinion of you! A favorable first impression will increase your chances of getting hired. Make sure you dress tidy and nice!
  • Be honest!Do not hide your past charges from your employer. Instead, explain your situation and reassure him or her that you have changed and just need a second chance!
  • Provide relevant references that attest your skills and qualities!
In conclusion, it will be harder to get hired if you have a criminal record, but you still have good chances of finding a job. For further information visit, make sure to check your state laws!

If you have been accused or arrested and need legal help, our law firm can help you! Our criminal defense attorneys are ready to help you with any legal matter! Visit the provided links and we will answer all of your questions!

Huwebes, Setyembre 10, 2015

The Advantages of Being a Lawyer

Lawyers are one of the most respected professionals in the country. There are many advantages that come with the job! If you are thinking of following a legal career, here is a list of highlights that will make you consider the lawyer profession.
  1. Money. According to the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a lawyer is around $100,000. However, many lawyers earn a lot more. The pay depends on your experience, talent and where you work. Even when you are at the start of your career, you can expect high pay, for a fresh graduate.
  2. You will not get bored. If you want an active job, with a lot of travel opportunities become an attorney! You will have a high level of mobility and you have may work opportunities. Lawyers investigate different cases and you will experience something new with every task.
  3. Prestige and work satisfaction.A law career is still considered a landmark of success. High pay, influence and knowledge will make you one of the elites and earn you respect and recognition. Even today, attorneys are held in high esteem and their glamorous image is still promoted by the media!
  4. You will help others. You have probably heard a lot of jokes about lawyers and their egocentric interests. However, the real situation is completely different! Many law firms offer pro bono services. This means that people can get help with legal matters for free! You too will have the possibility of helping people find justice. For example, many innocent people where saved from jail sentences and even death penalties by their lawyers!
  5. You will know the law. The laws apply to many levels of our society. Knowing the law comes in handy for many things like: purchasing property, a car, conducting business and even doing your taxes. It will also be easier to make important connections because many people will ask for your advice on legal and business issues.
  6. You can start your own business. After you gather enough experience and funds, you will be able to run your own business! You will be your own boss and you will work only in your interest. Being an attorney is perhaps the easiest way to become self-employed! Also, your legal knowledge will help you deal with any formalities and papers!
To close, a law career offers many opportunities and advantages visit You will have money, prestige and independence; so give it a thought!

Our criminal law attorneys are ready to help you with any legal problem! Click the provided links for more information!

Huwebes, Setyembre 3, 2015

Reasons To Choose A DUI Attorney Who Is Both Experienced And Qualified

Driving under influence or DUI is not just a minor offence involving traffic but is definitely more than serious. However, people usually consider DUI as a petty offence and do not realize its implication. Being charged with driving under the influence has a lot more consequences in reality and goes beyond just serving the penalty received. It can haunt you for quite a long time. In situations when you are charged with DUI, it is vital that you seek the services of an experienced and well qualified DUI attorney.

You can be stripped off your license, suspended or even end up with a revoked license in times when you are charged with DUI. This could lead to a lot of other issues with your insurance company where they could raise your premiums or even worse when they refuse insurance completely. You could be under threat if you are a driver by profession. By seeking a qualified DUI attorney you end up with minimum damage if found guilty and thereby saving your livelihood.

Your penalties depend on if you have had DUI charges slapped on you in the past. If you have been charged earlier then you can be assured of facing harsher penalties, however if it's a first, then there are chances of just brushing through with a fine. The higher the number of times you are charged with DUI the harsher your fines or you may even end up behind bars. There are other considerations made when you are being charged; even if it is your first time, your penalty would be severe if there is a minor in your vehicle, if you have an alcohol content of beyond 0.08% in your blood or if any serious injury resulted. You could be charged with felony in cases where death has resulted due to driving under influence. This leads to being imprisoned if you are found guilty.

An experienced attorney would be able to build a reasonable defense that would help in lowering your penalty or even may be able to prove you are not guilty. The DUI attorney will ensure the complete coverage of your case which includes any legal paperwork and provides you with proper support and guidance throughout. You would need to be legally very sound in case you decide to handle your DUI charges yourself. This could lead to a lot of stress and frustration because all the information is a lot complex and you would need to have a lot of knowledge and capability to handle the case. Hiring a DUI attorney who is qualified to handle such issues would be the perfect solution in this situation.

You would find that any lawyer will be willing to take up DUI cases; however an attorney who specializes solely on DUI will definitely be a better choice because they would have a lot of experience with regards to the case. Special care needs to be taken to ensure that the chosen DUI attorney Los Angeles works in the place or city of offence where your case would be heard. The lawyer needs to be well aware of all the laws pertaining to the particular state.

You can ask friends for suggestions or you may look up the internet to find out information on DUI attorney. You can also directly approach for the best attorneys in town.