Martes, Nobyembre 24, 2015

The Role of A Criminal Defense Lawyer In Robbery Cases

Robbery is considered a serious offence and is treated as felony in the United States. Based on the location of the robbery and the equipment involved, this offence can be of three degrees. In normal situations a person is said to have committed a crime if he unlawfully and intentionally takes property or money from somebody and does so by assaulting, using violence, using threats or force. People who are being charged with the crime of robbery need to talk to a criminal defense lawyer immediately.

The types of robbery

The crime has five variations, out of which a pickpocket or sudden snatching is the least serious. This is charged when a person snatches the purse or property of another individual. A third degree felony is indicted when there is no weapon involvement. When found guilty a judge has all the power to convict the offender with any one or a combination of up to 5 years of probation, up to 5 years in jail or up to $5,000 as fine.

When the crime involves a deadly weapon or a firearm and when there is carjacking or break in of the home then they are first degree felonies that can leave the accused with minimum fine and /or sentence.

The outcome

Robbery committed with a weapon comes next to homicide in the list of most serious offences. With that said, it is not necessary that the accused use the weapon to be charged, the act of possessing the weapon during the robbery is reason enough. An additional charge is slapped if the weapon is a firearm. A minimum mandatory prison sentence is guaranteed if convicted.

You can be assured to be given a punishment that will require to serve prison time or/and fines irrespective of the degree of crime because robbery is considered serious. Also this will be recorded and will haunt you forever making it a struggle to even find employment. Some employers are forgiving and do hire ex-convicts, however they may not be as liberal with individuals who have committed such serious crimes in the past.

Getting legal help

It is vital that you start looking for a criminal lawyer as soon as you are accused because the state would start working on their defense immediately and therefore time is crucial. Law firms review the case and then assign teams that are qualified for various procedures such as reviewing evidence, interviewing witnesses and to follow procedures. This also requires time.

Building defenses

The fact is that nobody is perfect. People make mistakes and sometimes you can be wrongly accused too. An experienced attorney would be looking into inconsistencies of witnesses in their testimony. A person who knows what he is doing will be able to secure a charge that is lesser during the plea bargain. This is why it is vital to use the services of a reputed lawyer.

The criminal attorney in Hawthorne are reputed and will do everything to help you with the robbery charge. To be set free or at least to minimize the punishment. Contact us!

Martes, Nobyembre 17, 2015

You Need A Criminal Defense Attorney To Present Your Domestic Violence Charge

Arguments between intimate partners can get out of hand sometimes and it can lead to one of the partners accusing the other with domestic violence. When this is reported to authorities, it is charged as a domestic violence case. Domestic violence can be stalking, battery, assault, rape, kidnapping or false imprisonment. If you have any of these charges slapped then you need a criminal defense attorney immediately.

Domestic violence cases can be charged by husbands, wives, girlfriends or boyfriends. If found guilty there are probabilities that the accused can serve time in jail, especially if there are injuries involved. The outcome varies based on situations. Even if the defendant pleads guilty or if a verdict is given, it will be recorded. Sometimes the defendant will be sentenced to counselling based on the case facts.

Most of the time charges on partners are filed due to temper flares and may not be true. This act may in fact ruin the life of the partner. However, these kinds of cases are based on reports and the state decides on if the case is to be proceeded.

Irrespective of if the case was the result of a loose temper or a crime that is justifiable, it would do you a world of good if you decide to talk to and hire an attorney with experience. It is even more important to do this if you have had any previous cases or if the victim has any injuries. This is a sure shot of prison time for you. There is only one way out which is to seek the help of an experienced and reputable defense attorney who would work closely and build a promising defense.

If the charges are found false, then your lawyer can confidently say that your partner was unnecessarily throwing charges at you and that the charge is baseless. Even in such situations the opposing team may argue giving legitimate conditions such as child custody, mental issues, drugs or alcohol abuse as the factors leading to the charges. If you would want to remain clean then it is necessary to hire an attorney.

As a last resort, if everything is against you, the attorney will at least be able to negotiate a plea bargain. When there is some sort of criminal background or the defendant faces jail time the attorney usually attempts a bargain. These are solid reasons to consider hiring a criminal attorney in Agoura.

Regardless of whether you are guilt of not, an experienced Zolonz & Associates would be helpful in protecting your legal rights. Hire us to remain calm and tension free.

Martes, Nobyembre 10, 2015

The Different Defenses You Can Choose To Present

On being accused of criminal charges, you would be taken to court and allowed to present your defenses if you choose to. The State needs to prove beyond doubt that you are indeed guilty in order to get a conviction. You have a number of defenses you can choose depending on your situation. You can say that you did not do it or you can say that you did commit the crime but was justified. The various types of defenses are,

Until proven guilty you are considered innocent

In this situation the defendant does not have to take the trouble to prove that they are innocent, instead it is the job of the prosecution to convince the jury of your guilt. The jury is warned in advance and asked not to take the silence of the defendant as a weakness. The defendant can stay silent till the prosecution completes their argument and then say that the prosecution failed in proving the case. However in reality, witnesses are presented by the defense attorneys that counteract the state's case.

The State's Burden Of Proof

It is the responsibility of the prosecution to prove that the defendant is guilty. They have to be producing proof to substantiate the charges. This is why the defendant can remain silent and choose to not present any witnesses.

Deny ownership

The most common defense is that the person denies that the crime was his fault. They may say that there was a crime but insists that they did not have a role to play. This happens in situations where there is no visual proof of the incident.

The Alibi

This can be done if the defendant is able to prove that he was present elsewhere when the crime was being committed. This type of defense requires a person to say that he was along with the defendant in a different place when the crime was being committed. This does not mean that the jury has to believe the alibi.

Legally justified crime

This defense can be used when you agree that you have committed the crime but are justified legally. Examples include self-defense, which means you were only trying to defend yourself from being harmed.

The best way to come up with a defense is to hire a criminal attorney in El Segundo who would be able to let you know the perfect option of defense. Defense attorneys will be in the perfect spot to analyze and explain your legal defenses.

Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys are experienced and perfectly understand the situation. Visit would help you build a perfect defense. 

Martes, Nobyembre 3, 2015

Tips To Follow When Charged With A Criminal Case

When charged with an offense which is criminal in nature, you need to be vigilant and follow certain precautions to avoid getting into further trouble. Here are a few do's and don'ts.

Legal authorities have the right to stop and pull you over if they feel that everything is not right. You need to be cooperative and polite when answering their questions. After all you need to realize that they are only doing their duty. Never be disrespectful and ensure you only provide basic information when asked. You can tell them your name, address and phone number but nothing more is required at this stage.

It is ideal to keep silent if your attorney is not present, especially to legal authorities. You can choose to remain silent and be respectful when declining to answer. You can tell them that you would like to keep silent till the time you have spoken to your lawyer. This is because you risk blaspheming even though you may feel that you are using statements to help you. These exacts words can be played with and used against you in court.

You have all the rights to question your attorney as to get more information about their background. Before you hire a lawyer you need to ensure that they would be able to help you surely. You can question them on their experience, qualification and everything else that helps you confidently hire their services.

Time is crucial and it is vital that you hire a criminal attorney as soon as possible. This will ensure your defense is worked upon and built at the earliest.

Be transparent to and talk freely to your attorney. Give him all the information so that he would be able to help you in the best possible manner. If you hold back information the only person being affected is you. Holding back information will only weaken your defenses.

Make sure that your attorney knows your whereabouts. Give him all your contact details so that he would be able to contact you at any time.

Never resort to posting your case related information on social websites. This can and will be used against you in court.

Ensure that your attorney has every bit of documentation that you possess with regards to the case. This will help when you least expect.

Never resort to discussing legal things over the telephone. Refrain from talking about the case to other jail inmates if you have been arrested.

These are some tips that will help you with a criminal case visit

A good criminal attorney in San Pedro would be able to guide you in better ways to help you sail through peacefully. Criminal Defense Attorney in L.A has capable lawyers who would be perfect in helping you out.