Huwebes, Mayo 24, 2018


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Linggo, Hunyo 5, 2016

Why Do You Need a Criminal Attorney?

The question asked in this article is actually ironical; if you have committed some sort of a crime, you surely need a criminal attorney to have someone speak on your behalf. No matter how hard you try to put yourself as an innocent individual, the judge doesn't listen to you. Thus, it is always good to have someone to speak for you and put all the valid points, nicely.

Still thinking about why you need a criminal attorney for your criminal case? Here are some of the reasons that would prove his importance to you:
  • Criminal attorneys deal with cases like yours, all the time: You surely want someone, who has a good amount of experience in handling cases like yours. Therefore, you need a criminal attorney with wide experience in the same field. Since he is used to handling different criminal cases, he gives the best results to you.
  • They are professionals, who know how to work for you: You may meet a lot of attorneys in life, but not all of them are as professional as the criminal ones. When it comes to the field of crime, there are hundreds of things that the lawyers also have to see, before taking up new clients. This makes them wiser and better individuals. They provide more professional services to their innocent clients. Visit Our Website!
  • It is their job to ensure that you are out of the problem that you are into: Just like you want to be out of the criminal case, so do the lawyers. After all, they get their commissions when you are relieved from the charges. But it is also not about the money for them, always. Money is nothing, but a way to encourage their services. For lawyers, a case is nothing less or more than passion.
  • They ensure that you are relieved from the criminal charges on your head: Until you are relieved from the charges, your lawyer doesn't breathe freely. He has to make sure that you are freed with no charges on your head, so that you can live in the open air, once again. Just like you wish to be freed, your criminal lawyer also prays and hopes for your freedom, by fighting your case.
  • They make sure that you are not only proven as an innocent in the court of law, but also ensure that you get back the lost respect: When you have a criminal case on your head, you lose a lot of respect amongst your loved ones and friends. However, when a criminal lawyer proves you innocent, you receive back the lost respect.
Searching for a criminal attorney in Compton? Head to Zolonz & Associates.

Linggo, Mayo 22, 2016

Five Reasons to Trust a Criminal Attorney

It is rightly said that every individual must keep away from three professionals in life - doctors, cops and lawyers. However, due to a lot of circumstances, you unfortunately have to go to all the three of them. You visit doctors when you are unwell, you meet cops, even when you don't drive properly and you have to get into the trap of unfaithful lawyers for a long list of problems.

Talking of lawyers, not all can be trusted. There are many lawyers, who fool their clients by being unfaithful to them. However, this does not mean that there are no lawyers, who can't be trusted. When it comes to criminal attorneys, you have surely got to trust in them.

Wondering why and how? Here is a list of five reasons that would act as signs for you to trust them:
  1. Their years of experience counts: If you really wish to find a trustworthy lawyer for your criminal case, you have got to find someone, who has a good amount of experience in the same field. If a lot of clients have worked with him, so can you!
  2. They are not over-polite to you: It is okay to find a lawyer, who is polite, but over-politeness doesn't work for sure! If your lawyer is trying to be over-polite to you, there are chances that he is passing your information to the other party.
  3. They know how to maintain their respect in front of your eyes: Every lawyer must know how to maintain his dignity and respect in front of his clients. If you have met a professional, who knows how to talk to you and not divert his attention to his personal life, you can surely trust him.
  4. They are not over-friendly to you and are not trying to get too personal to you: A good lawyer never tries to poke into your personal life, unless it is really needed or unless it is related to the case that you are trapped in. Sometimes, it is okay to question the client's personal stories or affairs, but not always.
  5. They don't seem greedy to you and are dedicated to their work: A trustworthy lawyer is the one, who is extremely dedicated to his work. When he is working, there is absolutely nothing else that should come to his mind. Moreover, if you find a criminal attorney in Playa del Rey, who doesn't seem greedy for his fees or money, you should thank your angels, since it is hard to get such professionals.
Searching for the best Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys; contact us!

Lunes, Abril 25, 2016

Tips for Choosing a Criminal Attorney

It is very important to find an attorney who can provide proper representation in criminal matters. You stand a better chance of getting desirable results when you hire an attorney who has been practicing criminal defense for many years. Although every good criminal lawyer we see today had to start somewhere, it is important to find a lawyer with extensive experience. This way, you will not have to gamble on a matter that is as vital as criminal conviction. Furthermore, it is advisable to insist on a lawyer who has handled numerous trials with positive outcomes. The following are some of the tips to consider when choosing an experienced criminal attorney, including:

· Number of trials completed

Just a few of the cases actually end up in trial because most of the cases opt for a reduction (plea bargain), a dismissal or any other outcome. However, some cases require a trial because you have the legal right to pursue a trial, even in circumstances where your lawyer advises against it. Attorneys who have a reputation of not taking cases to trial may not guarantee your case for trial. In such circumstances, the prosecutor has a better advantage in negotiations when he discovers a particular attorney who never takes his/her cases to trial.

· Area of specialization

When choosing a criminal lawyer, it is important to find out whether criminal law is their main area of specialization. Some of the attorneys are "general practitioners" who offer legal services in different areas. However, an area of law that is as important as criminal defense requires a lot of experience. Therefore, it is not advisable to entrust your case to an attorney who handled DUI or divorce case. You may not also want your criminal case handled by a lawyer who prepared your will. Although they may be great attorneys, they do not specialize in criminal cases. The serious charges raised in a criminal case require a specialist in criminal law. Find an attorney who has represented many clients in serious misdemeanor and felony cases.

· Reputation

The reputation on an attorney among previous and existing clients, as well as peers is vital. A good criminal lawyer receives many positive reviews from clients. Although other criminal lawyers may be reluctant to give an honest opinion for a competitor, other professionals including non-criminal lawyers, public defenders and judges will be ready to give an accurate opinion about a particular attorney. Therefore, it is advisable to make inquiries. Click here!

We provide the best info about LA criminal attorney. For further details on this topic, visit the provided links.

Huwebes, Marso 10, 2016

Why Do You Need A Professional Lawyer?

It doesn't matter what kind of a case you are involved in, if you have a professional person to work for you, it is quite possible for you to get rid of the charges and live respectfully in the society. When you hire someone to work for your case, he turns into your only hope to help you win the case and prove you right.

Since he is the only one, who understands you and promises to help you, he has to be someone worth trusting. Thus, I suggest everybody to hire a professional and well-experienced person for their cases. Wondering why? Read below to convince yourself:

  • Because he is 'professional' - What can be better than knowing that the person you have hired is professional enough to work on your case? Unless you want to waste time on people, who keep running around the bush without giving you fruitful results, you need someone you can count on.
  • Because others know him well - A good lawyer is always hired by the others around you. When you hire such a person, you know that the others also trust him equally because of the skills he has.
  • Because he is worth the fee he charges - If you really want to win your case, you need to be ready to spend all that the lawyer asks for. In the end, all you need is positive result. Even if a professional lawyer charges a little higher than the others in the market, he knows that he is worth it.
  • Because he has a name in the market - If someone is professional, he has got to be famous! When you hire famous personalities to work for you, there are more chances for you to win back your respect.
  • Because he deserves to be trusted - Since he is hired by a lot of others, you find it easy to trust him just the way others do. You are able to open up to him and tell him all the details related to the case you are involved in.
  • Because he has fought similar cases before - The best thing about hiring someone professional is that he knows how to handle your case, because of all those experiences he has earned before. Every lawyer learns with experience; if you desperately want to win a particular case and if your entire life depends upon it, you need someone, who has a huge amount of experience in similar cases. It is easy for you to learn about different individuals by visiting their websites online like

To hire a professional criminal attorney in Playa Del Rey, head to Zolonz & Associates and get the best experiences.

Martes, Marso 1, 2016

Five Things To Look For In A Criminal Attorney

There are times when you need to hire a criminal attorney; this doesn't mean that you are a criminal or have killed someone. Sometimes, situations go wrong and you turn out to be a criminal, according to the court of law. When you are in such a problem, you need to hire someone, who is experienced enough to pull you out of the situation you are trapped in.

But hiring a lawyer is not as easy as it seems; following are the top five things that you need to search for:

1) Is he associated with any of the legal firms? 

If you really want to hire someone, who can be trusted with the problem you are going through, you have to search for a legal firm. Such firms have several professionals working under them and you can easily get the best one from the lot.

2) Can you afford his fees? 

This is the second most important question that you need to ask yourself - once you meet him and discuss about the fees that he would charge for his services, you need to find out if you can afford him. Criminal lawyers charge a lot of money, at times. If you want to save your savings, you've got to hire someone you can actually afford. Moreover, also learn if the attorney is worth the fee he asks for.

3) Is he open to negotiate on the fees? 

Sometimes, you meet angels in disguise of criminal lawyers. I have a lot of friends, who are completely in the field of law. They share the stories of their clients and tell me how they are open to negotiate with people, who can't hire them on their fees. All you need to do is ask, without being hesitant about it.

4) Do your friends know him? 

Going through references is better; if your friends have ever hired professional lawyers in the past, take their references. You never know; a good lawyer may be right next to your house! If some of your friends agree to help you, grab their hands!

5) Are you comfortable discussing your problem(s) with him? 

Sometimes, the vibes of two people are so parallel that they feel good about having each other around. If you meet someone and you are able to pour your heart out to him, with regards to the crime you are involved in, he is the person, who would pull you out from the crap. Search for a lawyer with enough patience to lend you ears! Visit

Looking for criminal attorney in Long Beach? Head to Zolonz & Associates to know about us!

Martes, Pebrero 23, 2016

A Defendant Considers A Criminal Attorney His Closest Acquaintance

It is said that everyone is innocent until proven guilty but most individuals are put under scrutiny as soon as they are charged with an offence. Most individuals just assume that anybody who is charged is automatically guilty. This usually happens when people are charged with severe crimes such as murder. In situations that a person is charged with a crime such as rape or murder people almost always want them to be executed or be imprisoned without even confirming if the crime was in fact committed. Though this method is logical there are chances that an innocent person might be falsely executed or punished. However, a person charged defending himself is completely uncalled for. He can easily hire the services of a criminal attorney who would be able to defend and help the individual walk home a free man.

The accused can be defended and advocated by professionals who are experienced and skilled to handle such cases. If an individual is accused wrongly, the role played by a criminal attorney in proving him innocent is very prominent. Many individuals are unfortunate enough to be wrongly accused and it is utter tragedy that such innocent people are sentenced to life in prison or even sometimes to be hanged till death. It is very unfortunate to be one in such people. This is why it is vital to find a criminal lawyer to defend your case visit

There is no guarantee that a person who is wrongly accused will walk away a free man, yet it doesn't hurt trying because they have a fair chance if defended by an experienced criminal attorney. The accused already has a very low chance when he is presented in court before a jury. People assume that the jury will be objective anyways. This is truly disadvantageous for the person accused. Not all people think alike. Some individuals within the jury may have differences of opinion. This is exactly why a solicitor needs to do everything he can to help prove that his client is innocent.

The best bet an accused can ever have on walking free is to be defended by an experienced criminal attorney. This is the only way in which they would come somewhere close to being able to prove innocence. It's a huge disadvantage to be trying to do it without any help. Just being innocent is not going to work in situations like this. One also needs to be able to prove this beyond doubt.

The criminal attorney in Huntington park is your solution if you have been charged with a crime. Zolonz & Associates is sure to meet all your needs.